Monday, May 3, 2010

Offensive 5 Principles for Winning Football Games

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For most young football player, is the most popular part of the game when their team is in attack. They like to control the ball and score points to the increasing field. As a youth football coach, you must understand that there is more than just play offense dribble the ball on the ground.

While working in a coordinated attack on some of the less talented teams could, you probably find your attacks against the stall disciplined teams. To always go into forceoffensive, you must understand the principles of the offense to play football.


The first principle you need to understand as a football coach for youth mobility. It is both individual and team mobility.

Individual mobility is to move the individual capacity on the football field. Football is a fluid, where players are always moving. On offense, means that moving the actors to move into position for a passport, or movingthe ball away from the spread of the defense.

To succeed, you must move your player and coach. When they stay in one place, it is too easy for the other team to defend. It allows them to exert more pressure on the ball, and that will reduce the effectiveness of your team.

Mobility refers to your team players to move as a unit. If you must move your team before the offense. As you move forward in the offensive third of the land, yourMidfielder should go with them to support the pressure on the defense and attack. At the same time, your lawyer should move to the middle third of the field, the balls that the defense tries to contain clear.

If your team remains stationary, it creates too many loopholes that the opposing team can pass through ti-cons up an attack. If your defender is not push-up allows the opponent to the position of the front is much closer to your target, which isopportunities to bring more planes to your goal.

If you do not push up Midfield allow the opposing defense to double team you depends on your assailant intended to prevent the good shots. You'll see your attacks always frustrated by the defensive pressure.

Width and depth

In football offense refers width apart too far, that your players are divided on the ground. It is important because if your attacking players to distribute the forcesDefenders and distributed. This creates gaps in the defense. These shortcomings, you can look forward to working the ball into the goal, and your team get better shots on goal.

Depth refers to your next attack in several waves. Their before creating the first wave of attack. If the defender close to them, move the midfield in the second wave. This amount will cover the defenders to their pressure on the forehead a little goodMidfielder.

Increase In attacking the target of several attacks strong probability that one or more of your players on defense, approach the door open. This increases the number of clear shots as you get to be translated into the rule in most goals for your team.


Because football is so fluid, your players are constantly put in new situations on the ground. This is why it is so important that your players have the opportunity to make changes isRapid field.

You may have played a game that asks your winger to take the ball on the sideline, but during the game close, the defenders than Lane. You must be the actors able to make a change and cross the ball or make a pass or penetration.

Their practices have led to a place where players can try new things. Here they can decide for themselves what works and what does not. If they are afraid to try newThe things they will never be able to improvise during the Games.


Penetration refers to your ability to penetrate the defense team. It will be through the passes and through. Your team needs to fill the gaps in the defense they are able to seek to penetrate the ball. They should also make prints of penetration.

Penetrating runs running your players through the defense did, they pulled out of position, and creating openings for the ball-handlereither adapt, or perhaps even a clear shot on goal.


The ability to finish a game is the biggest drop in the number of qualified teams otherwise. Scoring chances in the game are sometimes scarce. use your ability, travel soccer in the ability of your team to win these opportunities.

You need your team the ability to play late at training, so they can develop a scoring position.

Understanding the fundamentalPrinciples is the offensive in football is critical to your success as a coach of youth football. Spend your time improving your understanding of these principles and your team will reap the benefits during the game

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